The Voice of Silence
I’ve been a little quiet on the Shattered Silence platform with regard to my blogging — in fact, it’s been since January when I shared my last post about being burnt out. I’ve had every intention of blogging through my journey of healing but that small, still voice inside me had shown me the importance of listening instead of sharing.
I had to be needy.
I needed the time to be present in reflecting on my inner struggle without working to create content. I needed the space for ME. My struggles with self-care led me down a path which affected my whole being — my mental health, physical and emotional well-being. I needed quietness so that I could dive deep into my inner spirit to find encouragement and acceptance of my situation. I needed rest so that I could recharge, rejuvenate and restore my health. Those actions to my needs have ultimately provided me with a renewed source of personal strength.
It took some time for me to welcome this new journey. Quite honestly, I was angry at myself for getting to the state I was in. I knew better, but I didn’t do better because I kept telling myself, “do more, hustle more, stay busy, be productive,” in order to find success. I used work and ‘busyness’ as a way of avoiding and suppressing personal challenges in my life that needed to be addressed.
I was off-balanced.
I overwhelmed myself with over-working, over-committing, over-promising, and I prioritized everything (work, money, and people) over myself. I had left myself behind.
I’m here today to tell you how thankful I am for this seemingly ‘bad’ situation because it has forced me to work on my relationship with someone who deserves love and care, ME. I realized that I was not ‘living’ as a whole being, and that was not ok.
I tapped into an alternative healthcare service. I saw a Naturopath who has encouraged natural healing and has helped me rebuild my immune system and increase energy. I tried acupuncture for the first time, which helped increase my mood, energy and has improved my stress response.
Along with naturopathic services and traditional medicine, I am thankful for my family and friends, therapeutic support, and most importantly my faith which has helped me feel much ‘lighter’ and better aligned with my journey.
Sometimes, a break from your routine is the very thing you need.
Please, listen to your voice.
Martina Kelades
Founder of Life Out Loud
Martina has over 10 years’ professional experience working as a Personal Development Counsellor and Instructor and holds a diploma in Social Services (Addictions Counselling concentration) from the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), as well as a BA (hons) in Psychology from Mount St. Vincent University.